About Dee’s Nuts
There are peanuts, then there’s Dee’s Nuts. Our brand was built on the important things in life; Good Health, Humor, and Great Food. Partners Brian, Lisa, and Donavin wanted to take their favorite snack to the next level.

With our final product in hand, we decided it was time to see if the masses found our nuts as tasty as we did. It didn’t take long for word to spread. People all across the nation were grabbing our nuts from festivals to sports events. They couldn’t get enough of Dee’s Nuts and we knew we were on to something.

Since that time, we’ve expanded our line to include hot, salty and sweet nuts in a variety of flavors. We’ve worked hard to set our nuts apart from the rest. We work closely with food scientists to create the best tasting nuts you can sink your teeth into. Each of our crazy nuts has their own unique flavor and personality. As the brand continues to grow, look for Dee’s to expand into additional product lines.
We know what you’re thinking…. I’ve heard this name before. We had too! Once we had the perfect peanut, we needed to create a brand name. As we searched for ideas, we found our greatest inspiration to be right in front of us. Brian’s grandmother Adeline D’amore (better known as Mrs. Dee). She was always there to provide us with motivation and a chuckle or two. Her laughter was contagious and she firmly believed you should never take life too seriously. We knew her name should be part of the brand and well – Dee’s Nuts would certainly be a conversation starter. While many have bought a bag the first time because of the name, it’s the flavor and quality that keeps them coming back.

While we proudly manufacture our products right here in the USA, because we have fans around the globe, we now share our nuts worldwide. When headed to a ball game, packing a lunch or off to a party – take Dee’s Nuts with you.